Thinking about why a supply chain career might be a smart move? Discover what makes this field stand out and why it’s worth your attention.

We’ll explore the benefits and strategies for drawing and keeping top talent in supply chain roles.

Dive into the video below to learn more about what makes this career path both challenging and rewarding.



Insights into the Supply Chain Career


Rob: Welcome, everyone! We’re diving into the critical issues of attracting and retaining top talent in the supply chain career. Our guest is Sofia Rivas Herrera, who brings a wealth of passion and expertise to this topic. Sofia, where are you speaking from today?

Sofia: Hi Rob! I’m currently in Guadalajara, Mexico.

Rob: That’s fantastic! We recently connected on LinkedIn, and I’ve noticed your impressive involvement in the supply chain field. You’ve been active in speaking engagements, conferences, and even run a podcast focused on supply chain topics.

Sofia: Yes, I’ve had the opportunity to host several episodes of a podcast in Spanish, which has been a rewarding project for me.


Discovering the Supply Chain Career Path


Rob: What led you to choose a supply chain career over other potential fields?

Sofia: I studied industrial engineering with a focus on manufacturing. However, I quickly realized that I was looking for something broader. When a professor introduced the concept of supply chain management, I found it fascinating. The supply chain career intrigued me because it encompasses the entire lifecycle of a product—from its initial conception to its delivery and eventual return. This holistic approach, combined with the variety of challenges and problem-solving opportunities, made it an ideal fit for me.

Attracting and Retaining Talent in Supply Chain


Rob: It’s great to hear your story. What drives your interest in improving talent acquisition and retention within the supply chain career?

Sofia: Although I’m not in a traditional HR role, I view myself as an ambassador for the supply chain career. I’ve noticed that while many individuals start in entry-level positions within supply chain roles, fewer advance to mid-level and senior roles. Additionally, diversity, especially gender diversity, tends to decrease at higher levels. My goal is to attract more talent to the supply chain career and understand what might cause individuals to leave. I believe rebranding the supply chain career and showcasing its global impact is crucial for addressing these challenges.

Evolving Roles and Networking Importance


Rob: How have roles in the supply chain career evolved, and what role has COVID-19 played?

Sofia: The roles within the supply chain career have certainly become more strategic, with professionals taking on broader responsibilities. The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly highlighted the importance of supply chain operations, bringing it into the global spotlight. Despite this increased visibility, there is still a need to effectively communicate the value and impact of the supply chain field.

Rob: Networking is also crucial. What advice do you have for those starting out in the supply chain career?

Sofia: Networking is vital for success in the supply chain career. It’s about building and maintaining meaningful relationships, which can provide support and open doors to new opportunities. A strong network acts as a safety net and can be incredibly valuable throughout your career.

Rob: Thanks for joining us today, Sofia, and sharing your insights. We’ll include links to your LinkedIn profile and podcast for our viewers.


 Watch the complete video for detailed insights and some tips.


To hear more from Sofia, check out these links:


Podcast Supply Chain Now en Español:
One of our best episodes on sustainability:

Sofia Rivas Herrera LinkedIn
MITx Supply Chain Network Design Course


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Editor’s Note: The content of this post was originally published on Logistics Bureau’s website dated March 06, 2024, under the title “Why Supply Chain Is a Great Career with Sofia Rivas Herrera



Contact Rob O'Byrne
Best Regards,
Rob O’Byrne
Phone: +61 417 417 307