When dealing with national outsourcing contracts encompassing warehousing and transportation, the timeline can vary significantly. It starts with defining the outsourcing scope…
Boost Your Logistics Performance With These Top 10 Tips! (Plus Extra Help)
Boosting logistics performance is like mastering a complex juggling act. Drawing from decades of consulting experience, here are ten expert tips to enhance your logistics performance effectively…
How to Pick a Logistics Outsourcing Partner?
When selecting a Logistics Outsourcing partner, it’s crucial to carefully evaluate their experience and reliability. A partner with the right expertise and a strong track record can help streamline your supply chain, ensuring smooth operations and supporting your business’s growth and success…
Current Logistics Outsourcing Challenges
Logistics outsourcing is more complex than before. One of the challenges is the unexpected surge in consumer spending. Although an economic slowdown was anticipated, demand remains high. This gap between supply and demand adds further strain to logistics, complicating the management of orders and deliveries…
3 Common Logistics Outsourcing Mistakes
One common mistake is not giving enough time for the outsourcing process. Many businesses wait until their contracts are nearly up, leaving little time to find a new provider. In today’s busy market, that’s a major issue. Always start the process at least six months in advance to ensure you find the right partner. Another issue is not providing enough detailed information to potential suppliers…
5 Supply Chain Fixes for 2023
With supply chains always evolving, you can’t afford to take your eye off the ball when it comes to management and efficiency. One minor oversight can quickly lead to bigger issues down the line. By staying proactive and looking for areas to improve, you’ll keep your supply chain on track. The need for new or upgraded warehouses is on the rise. Many companies are facing unprecedented demands for space…
Logistics Outsourcing is Like Dating
Did you know logistics outsourcing and dating share some key characteristics? Just like in a relationship, being too needy can make you less appealing. While some requirements, such as strict compliance with regulations, are essential, being overly demanding in other areas can create friction. If you’re constantly checking in for updates, requesting unnecessary reports, or micromanaging, it can strain the relationship…
Top 3 Logistics Outsourcing Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make
Logistics outsourcing can significantly benefit companies, but it’s easy to make costly mistakes along the way. One of the mistake is approaching too many or the wrong providers. Casting a wide net with dozens of 3PLs can overwhelm the process and make it harder to identify the right fit. Instead, focus on four to six providers that are well-suited to your business’s needs.
The Power of Outsourcing for Supply Chain Improvement
If you’re a decision-maker with accountability for your organisation’s entire supply chain, and you’re just starting to think about outsourcing, perhaps to reduce costs or improve service…
Logistics Outsourcing Tender – How Many Suppliers to Invite?
How many suppliers should you invite to tender? It’s a critical decision that can affect the entire process. Start with the end goal in mind. Ideally, you want three strong contenders by the end of the process. To get there, I usually recommend inviting around five suppliers. Why? Because some will inevitably drop out along the way—particularly in today’s market, where warehousing space is tight, and 3PLs are stretched thin…